Innovative TECHNOLOGIES. Customized SOLUTIONS.


Disaster Response
(HADR) Package

Tactical Electronics has disaster response communication packages and capabilities available for operations inside the US, its territories, and outside the US. Our communication package support contingency operations that provide humanitarian assistance activities involving the military forces of the US, those of other countries, and NGO’s.

Package Capabilities 

  • Communicate up, down, and lateral with law enforcement agencies, federal agencies and military units seamlessly
  • Move quickly from one location to another with a robust communications and emergency management package that enables integration at all levels 
  • To assist with C4ISR and Search and Rescue Operations 
  • A standalone system on civilian infrastructure that works regardless of power or cellular phone communication 
  • Communications infrastructure is military ready in the event assets need to interface with military communications systems. 
  • Capabilities need to be sustainable (Warranties, service plans, maintenance)
  • Jerk and Run access enabling a quick transition between mounted and dismounted operations without losing communications. 
  • Stay prepared for any disaster response situation.        

Packages Available 

  • Group Level Package 
  • Battalion Level Package 
  • Tactical Command Vehicle Options

Package Communications 

Universal Gateway 

  • Ideal for interoperability across 4 radio systems (HF/VHF/UHF, etc.) – bridges disparate systems while maintaining radio IDs and encryption 
  • Field programmable and man portable for use in field / FOB / HQ operations 

Airborne Repeaters 

  • Portable repeater deployable on SUAS, BSM, Balloons, etc. 
  • Extend range and create on-the-fly tactical repeater coverage that can rapidly adjust AO as necessary 

Field Sensor Control Radios 

  • Monitors a wide array of remote sensors in the field 
  • Optional GPS tagging function can materialize on radio screen and/or on ATAK device

Iridium SAT Radios

  • Seamless, global push-to-talk capabilities 
  • Interconnect and manage latency of other radio technologies into a seamless communication 

Incident Commanders Radio Interface (ICRI) 

  • Seamlessly connects all military and commercial radios 
  • Radio repeater for LOS-BLOS operation 
  • Any frequency, any platform, any encryption 

Mobile Broadband Kit 

  • Can be hooked directly to solar charger with optional power manager solution 


Phone: (321) 253-0845
Email: [email protected]

hurricane disaster response